

Daniel's thoughts on infosec

The Pillars of Security Monitoring: A Comprehensive Guide

Why do the distinctions between threat detection and abuse detection matter? Is vulnerability management related to posture monitoring? We'll cover how these, and other security capabilities, are all related yet distinct under the umbrella term of 'Security Monitoring' and how that relates to the SOC vs SOCLess architecture.

Daniel Wyleczuk-Stern

19-Minute Read

Security Monitoring Pilalrs

As you may know by now if you’ve read a few of my blog articles, I’m a big fan of decomposing ideas in threat detection into various frameworks. This latest blog post will touch on another area that I feel strongly about - specifically, that detection engineers need to take a step back and realize that they’re part of a larger “security monitoring” capability which consists of related but distinct pillars. We’ll explore these interrelated pillars of security…

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A random collection of thoughts on cybersecurity.